The Science that Takes Care of You
We have a mission: to celebrate increasingly more authentic and safer beauty

Skin Respect

People with sensitive skin upgrade-0 are entitled to enjoy high-end cosmetics without sacrificing sensoriality.
In our laboratory 
upgrade-1 we make it happen.


Skin Respect Therapy

We take great care when selecting the ingredients we use and formulate them to deliver optimal effectiveness for sensitive skin.

We have our own Skin Respect Therapy 10-point guide that leads us to make increasingly "responsible beauty" formulas.

As a pharmaceutical laboratory, it is our duty to always go one step further in this area.

Sensitive Skin Lab =
Skin Respect

Responsible Beauty

We know you are increasingly aware about the products you use.

You are concerned with their sustainability, the origin of their ingredients and the long-term impact certain components may have on your body.

At Sensilis, we share this concern, which is why we are not only rigorous, but also transparent about the composition of our formulas.


How We Formulate


Dermatologically tested on sensitive skin.


Vegan Friendly.



Expert Team

Our scientific team is made up of experts in the treatment of sensitive skin. They guarantee rigour, honesty and safety across the process.
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Ainhoa Aramburu

Head of Research and Development

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Head of Security and Efficacy

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Óscar Martínez

Head of Quality Assurance

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Gemma Ribas

Head of Project Management

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Cinta Cid

Head of Regulatory Affairs

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Yolanda Burguete

Quality Assurance Manager